Background and Motivation

In this project, our aim is two-fold: firstly, to explore the relationships between the significance of clinical trial outcomes and factors such as the countries where these trials are conducted and the number of facilities involved; and secondly, to investigate the evolution of clinical trial outcome significance over time.

Clinical trials are critical in shaping medical practices and policies and are the cornerstone for evaluating newly proposed medical methods. Conducting comprehensive clinical trials often requires ample funding and a broad sample base. Intuitively, one might hypothesize that more significant results often emerge from well-resourced hospitals or research centers in developed regions. To delve into this hypothesis and extend our inquiry, we utilize data from the Aggregate Analysis of (AACT). This allows us to study not only how geographical locations and the scale of facilities might affect trial outcomes but also how the significance of these outcomes has evolved over time.

This extended scope of research is particularly pertinent in light of recent shifts in global health landscapes and the advent of new medical technologies and methodologies. By incorporating a time series analysis, we can identify trends and patterns in the data, offering a dynamic perspective on the impact of location and facility scale on clinical trial outcomes.

The insights derived from this comprehensive study could be instrumental for stakeholders in clinical research. Understanding the influence of location, collaboration level, and their changes over time—factors we consider as “surrogate” variables of research resources—empowers policy-makers to allocate funds and resources more effectively. This, in turn, ensures more reliable and generalizable results, leading to more informed regulatory decisions and improved health outcomes globally. Our study aims to contribute to this critical discourse by providing a nuanced and temporal understanding of factors influencing the efficacy of clinical trials.

Research Question

In this project, our primary objective is to explore potential associations between the significance of clinical trial outcomes and various factors, including the countries where these trials are conducted and the number of facilities involved. To accomplish this, we have decided to employ a linear regression model as our analytical tool, using the p-values derived from each clinical trial as the response variable.

Furthermore, we aim to gain insights into the broader trends in the significance of clinical trial outcomes by conducting preliminary time series analysis. This will allow us to examine how the significance of these outcomes has evolved over time.

Data Cleaning and Exploration

In the following analysis, we will use countries, outcome_analyses and calculated_values tables from AACT database. For convenience, we download them and save them as .rda files in our bis620.2023 package.

#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     date, intersect, setdiff, union
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Loading required package: zoo
#> Attaching package: 'zoo'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
#> Attaching package: 'xts'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     first, last

Data Inspection

The table countries has 654,096 rows and 4 columns. The name column indicates the countries where the trials are conducted and the removed column indicates whether the countries are from removed_countries table. In addition, there are 81 missing values in the name column. There are 227 distinct countries in total. Furthermore, the number of cross-countries clinical trials are 39,753.

#> # A tibble: 654,096 × 4
#>          id nct_id      name          removed
#>       <dbl> <chr>       <chr>         <lgl>  
#>  1 52996792 NCT04584346 United States FALSE  
#>  2 52996793 NCT01079858 United States TRUE   
#>  3 52865950 NCT02707549 Brazil        FALSE  
#>  4 52996794 NCT01081860 Netherlands   FALSE  
#>  5 52996795 NCT05124782 France        FALSE  
#>  6 52996796 NCT05039788 France        FALSE  
#>  7 52996797 NCT00118482 United States FALSE  
#>  8 52996798 NCT00118482 Canada        FALSE  
#>  9 52996799 NCT03966950 Brazil        FALSE  
#> 10 52996800 NCT03755752 Egypt         FALSE  
#> # … with 654,086 more rows
countries |> |> colSums()
#>      id  nct_id    name removed 
#>       0       0      81       0
countries |> distinct(name) |> count()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>       n
#>   <int>
#> 1   227
countries |> group_by(nct_id) |> summarise(n = n()) |> filter(n >= 2) |> count()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>       n
#>   <int>
#> 1 39753

The table outcome_analyses has 256,592 rows and 22 columns. In our project, we mainly consider the p_value column. There are 45,622 missing values in the name column.

#> # A tibble: 256,592 × 22
#>        id nct_id outco…¹ non_i…² non_i…³ param…⁴ param…⁵ dispe…⁶ dispe…⁷ p_val…⁸
#>     <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>     <dbl> <chr>     <dbl> <chr>  
#>  1 1.89e7 NCT03…  3.52e7 Superi… NA      Treatm…   -0.23 NA           NA NA     
#>  2 1.89e7 NCT03…  3.52e7 Superi… NA      Treatm…   -0.18 NA           NA NA     
#>  3 1.90e7 NCT01…  3.54e7 Superi… NA      NA        NA    NA           NA =      
#>  4 1.89e7 NCT02…  3.52e7 Superi… NA      Least …  -39.5  NA           NA <      
#>  5 1.89e7 NCT02…  3.52e7 Superi… NA      LS Mea…  -65.8  NA           NA <      
#>  6 1.89e7 NCT02…  3.52e7 Other   Statis… LS Mea…  -26.3  NA           NA NA     
#>  7 1.89e7 NCT02…  3.52e7 Superi… NA      LS Mea…  -40.6  NA           NA <      
#>  8 1.89e7 NCT02…  3.52e7 Superi… NA      LS Mea…  -67.4  NA           NA <      
#>  9 1.89e7 NCT02…  3.52e7 Superi… NA      LS Mea…  -50.5  NA           NA <      
#> 10 1.89e7 NCT02…  3.52e7 Superi… NA      LS Mea…  -66.2  NA           NA <      
#> # … with 256,582 more rows, 12 more variables: p_value <dbl>, ci_n_sides <chr>,
#> #   ci_percent <dbl>, ci_lower_limit <dbl>, ci_upper_limit <dbl>,
#> #   ci_upper_limit_na_comment <chr>, p_value_description <chr>, method <chr>,
#> #   method_description <chr>, estimate_description <chr>,
#> #   groups_description <chr>, other_analysis_description <chr>, and abbreviated
#> #   variable names ¹​outcome_id, ²​non_inferiority_type,
#> #   ³​non_inferiority_description, ⁴​param_type, ⁵​param_value, …
outcome_analyses |> select(p_value) |> |> colSums()
#> p_value 
#>   45622

The table calculated_values has 467,212 rows and 19 columns. In our project, we mainly consider the number_of_facilities, actual_duration, has_us_facility columns. There are 50,012, 185,328, and 50012 missing values in the number_of_facilities, actual_duration, has_us_facility columns respectively. In addition, there are 166,148 trials with facilities from USA.

#> # A tibble: 467,212 × 19
#>        id nct_id numbe…¹ numbe…² numbe…³ regis…⁴ nlm_d…⁵ actua…⁶ were_…⁷ month…⁸
#>     <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <lgl>     <dbl> <lgl>     <dbl>
#>  1 2.76e8 NCT05…       1      NA      NA    2022 NA           NA FALSE        NA
#>  2 2.76e8 NCT04…       1      NA      NA    2020 NA           NA FALSE        NA
#>  3 2.76e8 NCT05…       1      NA      NA    2021 NA           NA FALSE        NA
#>  4 2.76e8 NCT05…       1      NA      NA    2023 NA           NA FALSE        NA
#>  5 2.76e8 NCT02…      NA      NA      NA    2016 NA            1 FALSE        NA
#>  6 2.76e8 NCT05…       1      NA      NA    2021 NA           19 FALSE        NA
#>  7 2.76e8 NCT04…       1      NA      NA    2021 NA            2 FALSE        NA
#>  8 2.76e8 NCT04…       1      NA      NA    2020 NA            4 FALSE        NA
#>  9 2.76e8 NCT05…       1      NA      NA    2022 NA           NA FALSE        NA
#> 10 2.76e8 NCT04…       1      NA      NA    2020 NA            8 FALSE        NA
#> # … with 467,202 more rows, 9 more variables: has_us_facility <lgl>,
#> #   has_single_facility <lgl>, minimum_age_num <dbl>, maximum_age_num <dbl>,
#> #   minimum_age_unit <chr>, maximum_age_unit <chr>,
#> #   number_of_primary_outcomes_to_measure <dbl>,
#> #   number_of_secondary_outcomes_to_measure <dbl>,
#> #   number_of_other_outcomes_to_measure <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names
#> #   ¹​number_of_facilities, ²​number_of_nsae_subjects, ³​number_of_sae_subjects, …
calculated_values |> select(number_of_facilities, actual_duration, has_us_facility) |> |> colSums()
#> number_of_facilities      actual_duration      has_us_facility 
#>                50012               185328                50012
calculated_values |> filter(has_us_facility == TRUE) |> count()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>        n
#>    <int>
#> 1 166148

Data Cleaning

For countries table, we remove those rows with removed == TRUE or name == NA. Although this may bring some selection bias in our further analysis, it can reduce the variance of our parameter estimation. For outcome_analyses table, we remove those rows with p_value == NA. For calculated_values, we remove those rows with number_of_facilities == NA, actual_duration == NA or has_us_facility == NA. After cleaning, we have 619,635 valid rows for countries, 210,970 valid rows for outcome_analyses and 258,619 valid rows for calculated_values.

Next, we left join number_of_facilities and countries on outcome_analyses. We choose outcome_analyses as our target table because p_value is our response variable. In addition, we drop those countries with less than 10 clinical trials. After further cleaning the NA value, we finalize a dataset with 746,903 rows. Some clinical trials may have many facilities from different countries involved such as the NCT03989232. Thus the dataset has some duplicate nct_id at this stage.

We conduct two stage cleaning above because we want to reduce the memory size in table joining process.

countries_processed <- countries |> filter(removed == FALSE & ! |> select(nct_id, name)
outcome_analyses_processed <- outcome_analyses |> filter(! |> select(nct_id, p_value)
calculated_values_processed <- calculated_values |> filter(! & ! & ! |> select(nct_id, number_of_facilities, actual_duration, has_us_facility)
countries_processed |> count()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>        n
#>    <int>
#> 1 619635
outcome_analyses_processed |> count()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>        n
#>    <int>
#> 1 210970
calculated_values_processed |> count()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>        n
#>    <int>
#> 1 258619
d <- outcome_analyses_processed |> left_join(countries_processed, by="nct_id") |> left_join(calculated_values_processed, by="nct_id") |> filter(! & ! & ! & ! |> filter(p_value >= 0 & p_value <= 1) |> distinct()
#> Warning in left_join(outcome_analyses_processed, countries_processed, by = "nct_id"): Detected an unexpected many-to-many relationship between `x` and `y`.
#>  Row 1 of `x` matches multiple rows in `y`.
#>  Row 509472 of `y` matches multiple rows in `x`.
#>  If a many-to-many relationship is expected, set `relationship =
#>   "many-to-many"` to silence this warning.

valid_countries <- d |> select(nct_id, name) |> distinct() |> group_by(name) |> summarise(n = n()) |> filter(n > 10) |> select(name) |> as.vector() |> unlist()
d <- d |> filter(name %in% valid_countries)
#> # A tibble: 746,903 × 6
#>    nct_id      p_value name          number_of_facilities actual_durat…¹ has_u…²
#>    <chr>         <dbl> <chr>                        <dbl>          <dbl> <lgl>  
#>  1 NCT03989232  0.0003 United States                  129             15 TRUE   
#>  2 NCT03989232  0.0003 Bulgaria                       129             15 TRUE   
#>  3 NCT03989232  0.0003 Canada                         129             15 TRUE   
#>  4 NCT03989232  0.0003 Czechia                        129             15 TRUE   
#>  5 NCT03989232  0.0003 Greece                         129             15 TRUE   
#>  6 NCT03989232  0.0003 Hungary                        129             15 TRUE   
#>  7 NCT03989232  0.0003 Japan                          129             15 TRUE   
#>  8 NCT03989232  0.0003 Poland                         129             15 TRUE   
#>  9 NCT03989232  0.0003 Puerto Rico                    129             15 TRUE   
#> 10 NCT03989232  0.0003 Slovakia                       129             15 TRUE   
#> # … with 746,893 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​actual_duration,
#> #   ²​has_us_facility

Data Visualization and Transformation

Distribution of p values

First, we explore the distribution of p_value. This may indicate further data transformation of p_value. Note that the value of the p_value is bounded in [0, 1] and is skewed to 0. For simplicity, we take a logit transformation on p_value. We can see that after transformation, the shape of the p.d.f. looks more like a normal distribution.

min_p <- d |> select(p_value) |> min()
max_p <- d |> select(p_value) |> max()
p1 <- d |> select(nct_id, p_value) |> distinct() |>
    ggplot(aes(x = p_value)) +
    geom_histogram(bins = 30) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min_p, max_p)) +
  theme_bw() +
  ggtitle("Distribution of p values") + 
  xlab("p value") + 

d <- d |> mutate(p_value = log((p_value) / (1 - p_value + 0.0001) + 0.0001))
min_p <- d |> select(p_value) |> min()
max_p <- d |> select(p_value) |> max()
p2 <- d |> select(nct_id, p_value) |> distinct() |>
    ggplot(aes(x = p_value)) +
    geom_histogram(bins = 30) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min_p, max_p)) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  ggtitle("Distribution of p values (transformed)") + 
  xlab("transformed p values") + 

p1 + p2
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).
#> Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).

Furthermore, we compare the distribution of p values of the trials conducted in the top 3 countries with most number of trials. From the three density plots, we do not see any differences among their distributions of the p values.

d |> select(nct_id, name) |> distinct() |> group_by(name) |> summarise(n = n()) |> arrange(desc(n))
#> # A tibble: 92 × 2
#>    name                   n
#>    <chr>              <int>
#>  1 United States      12617
#>  2 Canada              3035
#>  3 Germany             3017
#>  4 United Kingdom      2581
#>  5 Spain               2427
#>  6 France              2235
#>  7 Italy               2137
#>  8 Poland              2107
#>  9 Australia           1720
#> 10 Russian Federation  1709
#> # … with 82 more rows
top_three <- c("United States", "Canada", "Germany")
p <- d |> filter(name %in% top_three) |> select(nct_id, p_value, name) |> distinct() |>
  ggplot(aes(x = name, y = p_value)) + 
  geom_violin() + 
  theme_bw() + 
  ggtitle("Distribution of p values") + 
  xlab("Countries") + 
  ylab("p values")

Distribution of Number of Facilities

We explore the distribution of number_of_facilities in this section. The average value of it is 149.6227. Note that the histogram and box-plot indicate that there may be some outliers in our dataset. For further analysis, we use 3/4-quantile to truncate the number_of_facilities. After truncation, the average value of it is 16.94371.

#> [1] 149.6227
min_v <- d |> select(number_of_facilities) |> min()
max_v <- d |> select(number_of_facilities) |> max()
p1 <- d |> select(nct_id, number_of_facilities) |> distinct() |>
    ggplot(aes(x = number_of_facilities)) +
    geom_histogram(bins = 30) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min_v, max_v)) +
  theme_bw() +
  ggtitle("Distribution of Number of Facilities") + 
  xlab("Number of Facilities") + 

p2 <- d |> select(nct_id, number_of_facilities) |> distinct() |>
    ggplot(aes(x = number_of_facilities)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    theme_bw() + 
    ggtitle("Box-plot of Number of Facilities") + 
  xlab("Number of Facilities") + 
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
             axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
p1 + p2  
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).

tmp <- d |> select(nct_id, number_of_facilities) |> distinct()
quantile_value <- quantile(tmp$number_of_facilities, 0.75)
d <- d |> filter(number_of_facilities <= quantile_value)
min_v <- d |> select(number_of_facilities) |> min()
max_v <- d |> select(number_of_facilities) |> max()
p1 <- d |> select(nct_id, number_of_facilities) |> distinct() |>
    ggplot(aes(x = number_of_facilities)) +
    geom_histogram(bins = 30) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min_v, max_v)) +
  theme_bw() +
  ggtitle("Distribution of Number of Facilities (Truncated)") + 
  xlab("Number of Facilities") + 

p2 <- d |> select(nct_id, number_of_facilities) |> distinct() |>
    ggplot(aes(x = number_of_facilities)) + 
    geom_boxplot() +
    theme_bw() + 
    ggtitle("Box-plot of Number of Facilities (Truncated)") + 
  xlab("Number of Facilities") + 
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
             axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
p1 + p2  
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).

#> [1] 16.94371

Distribution of Actual Duration

Similar to the number_of_facilities, we visualize the distribution of actual_duration. The average value of it is 28.58358. Note that for actual_duration, all values look within a reasonable range.

#> [1] 28.58358
min_v <- d |> select(actual_duration) |> min()
max_v <- d |> select(actual_duration) |> max()
p1 <- d |> select(nct_id, actual_duration) |> distinct() |>
    ggplot(aes(x = actual_duration)) +
    geom_histogram(bins = 30) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min_v, max_v)) +
  theme_bw() +
  ggtitle("Distribution of Actual Duration") + 
  xlab("Actual Duration") + 

p2 <- d |> select(nct_id, actual_duration) |> distinct() |>
    ggplot(aes(x = actual_duration)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    theme_bw() +
    ggtitle("Box-plot of Actual Duration") +
  xlab("Actual Duration") +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
             axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
p1 + p2
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).


Full model

In this part, we first fit the p_value on all our candidate variables and conduct t-test for each variable. First, we generate the corresponding dummy variables and transform our dataset d to the one without duplicate nct_id.

dummies_vars <- as_tibble(model.matrix(~ name - 1, d))
d_tmp <- bind_cols(d |> select(nct_id), dummies_vars) |> group_by(nct_id) |> summarise(across(where(is.numeric), sum, na.rm = TRUE))
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `summarise()`.
#>  In argument: `across(where(is.numeric), sum, na.rm = TRUE)`.
#>  In group 1: `nct_id = "NCT00000378"`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! The `...` argument of `across()` is deprecated as of dplyr 1.1.0.
#> Supply arguments directly to `.fns` through an anonymous function instead.
#>   # Previously
#>   across(a:b, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
#>   # Now
#>   across(a:b, \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
d <- d |> select(-name) |> distinct() |> group_by(nct_id) |> summarise(across(where(is.numeric), mean, na.rm = TRUE))
d <- d |> inner_join(d_tmp, by = "nct_id")
#> # A tibble: 12,314 × 96
#>    nct_id      p_value number_…¹ actua…² nameA…³ nameA…⁴ nameA…⁵ nameA…⁶ nameB…⁷
#>    <chr>         <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 NCT00000378 -2.94           1      59       0       0       0       0       0
#>  2 NCT00000392 -1.52           3      80       0       0       0       0       0
#>  3 NCT00000620 -2.24           7     118       0       0       0       0       0
#>  4 NCT00001656 -0.275          1     133       0       0       0       0       0
#>  5 NCT00001723 -4.94           1     163       0       0       0       0       0
#>  6 NCT00001959 -3.12           1     107       0       0       0       0       0
#>  7 NCT00002525  0.0905         1     260       0       0       0       0       0
#>  8 NCT00002651 -3.50          14     220       0       0       0       0       0
#>  9 NCT00003222 -3.70           1      65       0       0       0       0       0
#> 10 NCT00003869 -1.13           1     110       0       0       0       0       0
#> # … with 12,304 more rows, 87 more variables: nameBelarus <dbl>,
#> #   nameBelgium <dbl>, `nameBosnia and Herzegovina` <dbl>, nameBotswana <dbl>,
#> #   nameBrazil <dbl>, nameBulgaria <dbl>, nameCanada <dbl>, nameChile <dbl>,
#> #   nameChina <dbl>, nameColombia <dbl>, `nameCosta Rica` <dbl>,
#> #   nameCroatia <dbl>, nameCyprus <dbl>, `nameCzech Republic` <dbl>,
#> #   nameCzechia <dbl>, nameDenmark <dbl>, `nameDominican Republic` <dbl>,
#> #   nameEcuador <dbl>, nameEgypt <dbl>, nameEstonia <dbl>, nameFinland <dbl>, …

Next, we fit our full model. Given confidence level 95%, only number_of_facilities, actual_duration, nameAustria, nameBelgium, nameChina, nameMoldova, Republic of, nameUnited Kingdom and nameUnited States pass the t test. For the countries variables, only nameAustria has significantly negative coefficient, which indicates a lower p value for their clinical trial outcomes. Before making further conclusions, we fit another two partial models two separate the effect of number_of_facilities and actual_duration.

model <- lm(p_value ~ ., data = d |> select(-nct_id))
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = p_value ~ ., data = select(d, -nct_id))
#> Residuals:
#>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
#> -10.2553  -1.5664   0.0498   1.8425  12.9024 
#> Coefficients:
#>                                                    Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)                                      -2.873e+00  4.316e-02 -66.581
#> number_of_facilities                             -2.707e-02  2.464e-03 -10.985
#> actual_duration                                   1.344e-02  9.993e-04  13.454
#> nameAlgeria                                       2.414e-01  2.248e-01   1.074
#> nameArgentina                                    -8.544e-03  2.064e-02  -0.414
#> nameAustralia                                     5.792e-03  1.038e-02   0.558
#> nameAustria                                      -2.624e-02  1.187e-02  -2.210
#> nameBangladesh                                   -8.698e-03  1.885e-01  -0.046
#> nameBelarus                                       1.681e-02  4.898e-02   0.343
#> nameBelgium                                       2.881e-02  1.410e-02   2.043
#> `nameBosnia and Herzegovina`                      3.869e-03  9.183e-02   0.042
#> nameBotswana                                     -2.280e-02  9.724e-02  -0.234
#> nameBrazil                                        2.628e-02  1.411e-02   1.863
#> nameBulgaria                                      1.573e-03  2.657e-02   0.059
#> nameCanada                                        5.967e-03  4.487e-03   1.330
#> nameChile                                         3.022e-03  2.727e-02   0.111
#> nameChina                                         2.999e-02  1.279e-02   2.346
#> nameColombia                                     -1.089e-02  2.057e-02  -0.529
#> `nameCosta Rica`                                 -4.681e-03  4.292e-02  -0.109
#> nameCroatia                                       1.990e-03  9.050e-03   0.220
#> nameCyprus                                        1.445e-01  1.557e-01   0.928
#> `nameCzech Republic`                             -3.895e-02  3.065e-02  -1.271
#> nameCzechia                                       2.559e-02  2.235e-02   1.145
#> nameDenmark                                      -2.628e-03  1.391e-02  -0.189
#> `nameDominican Republic`                         -1.589e-01  1.704e-01  -0.932
#> nameEcuador                                       9.881e-03  9.609e-02   0.103
#> nameEgypt                                         5.919e-03  2.915e-02   0.203
#> nameEstonia                                       3.840e-02  4.400e-02   0.873
#> nameFinland                                       4.532e-02  3.076e-02   1.473
#> nameFrance                                       -7.505e-03  9.874e-03  -0.760
#> nameGeorgia                                      -5.313e-02  4.736e-02  -1.122
#> nameGermany                                       2.818e-03  5.994e-03   0.470
#> nameGreece                                        2.027e-02  2.164e-02   0.937
#> nameGuatemala                                    -1.678e-02  5.549e-02  -0.302
#> nameHaiti                                         2.413e-01  2.050e-01   1.177
#> `nameHong Kong`                                  -6.957e-05  3.018e-02  -0.002
#> nameHungary                                      -3.725e-03  1.869e-02  -0.199
#> nameIceland                                       1.214e-01  1.748e-01   0.695
#> nameIndia                                        -3.491e-03  1.843e-02  -0.189
#> nameIndonesia                                    -1.056e-02  9.212e-02  -0.115
#> `nameIran, Islamic Republic of`                   1.785e-01  1.391e-01   1.283
#> nameIreland                                       1.338e-02  3.951e-02   0.339
#> nameIsrael                                       -1.217e-02  1.193e-02  -1.020
#> nameItaly                                         1.266e-02  9.431e-03   1.342
#> nameJapan                                         1.294e-02  7.830e-03   1.653
#> nameJordan                                       -1.773e-02  4.252e-02  -0.417
#> nameKazakhstan                                    6.598e-03  7.885e-02   0.084
#> nameKenya                                         3.817e-02  7.049e-02   0.542
#> `nameKorea, Republic of`                          8.068e-03  1.056e-02   0.764
#> nameKuwait                                        5.526e-02  7.828e-02   0.706
#> nameLatvia                                       -1.127e-02  6.664e-02  -0.169
#> nameLebanon                                       5.590e-02  7.114e-02   0.786
#> nameLithuania                                     5.691e-03  3.912e-02   0.145
#> nameLuxembourg                                   -6.581e-01  8.216e-01  -0.801
#> `nameMacedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of`  3.004e-01  4.264e-01   0.705
#> nameMalawi                                        4.080e-02  5.710e-02   0.715
#> nameMalaysia                                      1.386e-02  6.412e-02   0.216
#> nameMexico                                        9.785e-03  1.290e-02   0.758
#> `nameMoldova, Republic of`                        2.352e-01  1.093e-01   2.152
#> nameMorocco                                      -7.910e-02  2.063e-01  -0.383
#> nameNetherlands                                  -6.693e-03  9.827e-03  -0.681
#> `nameNew Zealand`                                 2.036e-02  2.912e-02   0.699
#> `nameNorth Macedonia`                             1.941e-02  9.497e-02   0.204
#> nameNorway                                       -1.998e-02  2.363e-02  -0.846
#> namePakistan                                      6.040e-02  7.399e-02   0.816
#> namePanama                                        2.660e-03  5.706e-02   0.047
#> namePeru                                          3.660e-02  5.008e-02   0.731
#> namePhilippines                                  -5.683e-02  6.326e-02  -0.898
#> namePoland                                        3.736e-03  9.163e-03   0.408
#> namePortugal                                      2.660e-02  3.419e-02   0.778
#> `namePuerto Rico`                                 1.614e-02  1.183e-02   1.364
#> nameRomania                                      -1.839e-02  2.217e-02  -0.829
#> `nameRussian Federation`                          8.823e-03  1.171e-02   0.753
#> `nameSaudi Arabia`                                8.344e-02  1.214e-01   0.687
#> nameSerbia                                        5.787e-02  4.639e-02   1.247
#> nameSingapore                                     3.080e-02  3.825e-02   0.805
#> nameSlovakia                                     -4.184e-03  3.397e-02  -0.123
#> nameSlovenia                                      2.996e-02  7.605e-02   0.394
#> `nameSouth Africa`                                1.837e-02  2.665e-02   0.689
#> nameSpain                                         1.107e-02  9.287e-03   1.192
#> nameSweden                                        6.481e-03  1.112e-02   0.583
#> nameSwitzerland                                   4.311e-03  2.391e-02   0.180
#> nameTaiwan                                        7.672e-03  1.195e-02   0.642
#> nameTanzania                                     -1.553e-02  6.980e-02  -0.223
#> nameThailand                                     -8.678e-03  2.627e-02  -0.330
#> nameTunisia                                       8.345e-03  1.116e-01   0.075
#> nameTurkey                                        1.888e-02  1.957e-02   0.965
#> nameUganda                                        2.097e-02  6.041e-02   0.347
#> nameUkraine                                      -6.853e-04  2.882e-02  -0.024
#> `nameUnited Arab Emirates`                        1.170e-01  2.901e-01   0.403
#> `nameUnited Kingdom`                              2.109e-02  7.119e-03   2.963
#> `nameUnited States`                               2.158e-02  1.574e-03  13.714
#> nameVenezuela                                    -4.952e-01  8.303e-01  -0.596
#> nameVietnam                                       3.185e-02  6.894e-02   0.462
#> nameZimbabwe                                     -2.802e-04  6.457e-02  -0.004
#>                                                  Pr(>|t|)    
#> (Intercept)                                       < 2e-16 ***
#> number_of_facilities                              < 2e-16 ***
#> actual_duration                                   < 2e-16 ***
#> nameAlgeria                                       0.28284    
#> nameArgentina                                     0.67890    
#> nameAustralia                                     0.57694    
#> nameAustria                                       0.02713 *  
#> nameBangladesh                                    0.96320    
#> nameBelarus                                       0.73140    
#> nameBelgium                                       0.04111 *  
#> `nameBosnia and Herzegovina`                      0.96639    
#> nameBotswana                                      0.81460    
#> nameBrazil                                        0.06251 .  
#> nameBulgaria                                      0.95279    
#> nameCanada                                        0.18360    
#> nameChile                                         0.91175    
#> nameChina                                         0.01900 *  
#> nameColombia                                      0.59659    
#> `nameCosta Rica`                                  0.91314    
#> nameCroatia                                       0.82599    
#> nameCyprus                                        0.35319    
#> `nameCzech Republic`                              0.20380    
#> nameCzechia                                       0.25232    
#> nameDenmark                                       0.85010    
#> `nameDominican Republic`                          0.35111    
#> nameEcuador                                       0.91810    
#> nameEgypt                                         0.83911    
#> nameEstonia                                       0.38288    
#> nameFinland                                       0.14067    
#> nameFrance                                        0.44724    
#> nameGeorgia                                       0.26201    
#> nameGermany                                       0.63821    
#> nameGreece                                        0.34895    
#> nameGuatemala                                     0.76233    
#> nameHaiti                                         0.23923    
#> `nameHong Kong`                                   0.99816    
#> nameHungary                                       0.84200    
#> nameIceland                                       0.48728    
#> nameIndia                                         0.84979    
#> nameIndonesia                                     0.90876    
#> `nameIran, Islamic Republic of`                   0.19942    
#> nameIreland                                       0.73487    
#> nameIsrael                                        0.30792    
#> nameItaly                                         0.17957    
#> nameJapan                                         0.09843 .  
#> nameJordan                                        0.67678    
#> nameKazakhstan                                    0.93332    
#> nameKenya                                         0.58813    
#> `nameKorea, Republic of`                          0.44479    
#> nameKuwait                                        0.48023    
#> nameLatvia                                        0.86574    
#> nameLebanon                                       0.43201    
#> nameLithuania                                     0.88434    
#> nameLuxembourg                                    0.42317    
#> `nameMacedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of`  0.48111    
#> nameMalawi                                        0.47489    
#> nameMalaysia                                      0.82881    
#> nameMexico                                        0.44823    
#> `nameMoldova, Republic of`                        0.03139 *  
#> nameMorocco                                       0.70141    
#> nameNetherlands                                   0.49586    
#> `nameNew Zealand`                                 0.48455    
#> `nameNorth Macedonia`                             0.83803    
#> nameNorway                                        0.39770    
#> namePakistan                                      0.41432    
#> namePanama                                        0.96281    
#> namePeru                                          0.46485    
#> namePhilippines                                   0.36900    
#> namePoland                                        0.68344    
#> namePortugal                                      0.43667    
#> `namePuerto Rico`                                 0.17255    
#> nameRomania                                       0.40688    
#> `nameRussian Federation`                          0.45140    
#> `nameSaudi Arabia`                                0.49187    
#> nameSerbia                                        0.21229    
#> nameSingapore                                     0.42061    
#> nameSlovakia                                      0.90197    
#> nameSlovenia                                      0.69364    
#> `nameSouth Africa`                                0.49073    
#> nameSpain                                         0.23309    
#> nameSweden                                        0.55989    
#> nameSwitzerland                                   0.85691    
#> nameTaiwan                                        0.52098    
#> nameTanzania                                      0.82388    
#> nameThailand                                      0.74115    
#> nameTunisia                                       0.94042    
#> nameTurkey                                        0.33451    
#> nameUganda                                        0.72852    
#> nameUkraine                                       0.98103    
#> `nameUnited Arab Emirates`                        0.68676    
#> `nameUnited Kingdom`                              0.00305 ** 
#> `nameUnited States`                               < 2e-16 ***
#> nameVenezuela                                     0.55089    
#> nameVietnam                                       0.64406    
#> nameZimbabwe                                      0.99654    
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Residual standard error: 2.725 on 12219 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:  0.04701,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.03968 
#> F-statistic: 6.412 on 94 and 12219 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Model with Countries Variables Only

In this part, we fit a linear regression model with countries variables only. Given confidence level 95%, only nameMoldova, Republic of, nameUnited Kingdom and nameUnited States pass the t test, and their coefficients are all positive. This indicates that clinical trials with the three countries involved tend to have less significant results.

model <- lm(p_value ~ ., data = d |> select(-c(nct_id, number_of_facilities, actual_duration)))
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = p_value ~ ., data = select(d, -c(nct_id, number_of_facilities, 
#>     actual_duration)))
#> Residuals:
#>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
#> -10.1216  -1.5045   0.0533   1.8828  11.8813 
#> Coefficients:
#>                                                    Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)                                      -2.6575304  0.0267023 -99.524
#> nameAlgeria                                       0.2729223  0.2275650   1.199
#> nameArgentina                                    -0.0151600  0.0208800  -0.726
#> nameAustralia                                     0.0045468  0.0105089   0.433
#> nameAustria                                      -0.0213631  0.0120192  -1.777
#> nameBangladesh                                    0.0061462  0.1908762   0.032
#> nameBelarus                                       0.0207841  0.0495834   0.419
#> nameBelgium                                       0.0206072  0.0142602   1.445
#> `nameBosnia and Herzegovina`                      0.0245003  0.0929363   0.264
#> nameBotswana                                     -0.0328468  0.0984563  -0.334
#> nameBrazil                                        0.0238436  0.0142834   1.669
#> nameBulgaria                                     -0.0036135  0.0268993  -0.134
#> nameCanada                                        0.0030186  0.0045328   0.666
#> nameChile                                         0.0124512  0.0275968   0.451
#> nameChina                                         0.0193260  0.0129257   1.495
#> nameColombia                                     -0.0132468  0.0208267  -0.636
#> `nameCosta Rica`                                 -0.0049055  0.0434354  -0.113
#> nameCroatia                                       0.0043798  0.0091617   0.478
#> nameCyprus                                        0.1382025  0.1576244   0.877
#> `nameCzech Republic`                             -0.0410269  0.0310340  -1.322
#> nameCzechia                                       0.0063121  0.0225677   0.280
#> nameDenmark                                      -0.0017442  0.0140768  -0.124
#> `nameDominican Republic`                         -0.2341799  0.1724706  -1.358
#> nameEcuador                                       0.0299377  0.0972781   0.308
#> nameEgypt                                         0.0032042  0.0295137   0.109
#> nameEstonia                                       0.0288058  0.0445371   0.647
#> nameFinland                                       0.0344457  0.0311342   1.106
#> nameFrance                                       -0.0123432  0.0099789  -1.237
#> nameGeorgia                                      -0.0621068  0.0479523  -1.295
#> nameGermany                                      -0.0010930  0.0060636  -0.180
#> nameGreece                                        0.0233831  0.0219108   1.067
#> nameGuatemala                                     0.0024375  0.0561745   0.043
#> nameHaiti                                         0.2619970  0.2075950   1.262
#> `nameHong Kong`                                   0.0003963  0.0305572   0.013
#> nameHungary                                      -0.0053917  0.0189187  -0.285
#> nameIceland                                       0.0970170  0.1769994   0.548
#> nameIndia                                        -0.0049800  0.0186588  -0.267
#> nameIndonesia                                    -0.0226324  0.0932330  -0.243
#> `nameIran, Islamic Republic of`                   0.1643384  0.1408250   1.167
#> nameIreland                                       0.0064312  0.0399899   0.161
#> nameIsrael                                       -0.0120874  0.0120795  -1.001
#> nameItaly                                         0.0134360  0.0095439   1.408
#> nameJapan                                         0.0041791  0.0079047   0.529
#> nameJordan                                       -0.0069699  0.0430459  -0.162
#> nameKazakhstan                                   -0.0103377  0.0798312  -0.129
#> nameKenya                                         0.0416940  0.0713636   0.584
#> `nameKorea, Republic of`                          0.0062995  0.0106895   0.589
#> nameKuwait                                        0.0613521  0.0792588   0.774
#> nameLatvia                                       -0.0208627  0.0674682  -0.309
#> nameLebanon                                       0.0759941  0.0720186   1.055
#> nameLithuania                                     0.0050019  0.0396004   0.126
#> nameLuxembourg                                   -0.6990662  0.8318914  -0.840
#> `nameMacedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of`  0.2168308  0.4317336   0.502
#> nameMalawi                                        0.0407385  0.0578087   0.705
#> nameMalaysia                                     -0.0171446  0.0648589  -0.264
#> nameMexico                                        0.0096015  0.0130545   0.735
#> `nameMoldova, Republic of`                        0.2251976  0.1106589   2.035
#> nameMorocco                                      -0.1105291  0.2088263  -0.529
#> nameNetherlands                                  -0.0059708  0.0099480  -0.600
#> `nameNew Zealand`                                 0.0145409  0.0294843   0.493
#> `nameNorth Macedonia`                            -0.0083804  0.0961456  -0.087
#> nameNorway                                       -0.0130632  0.0239179  -0.546
#> namePakistan                                      0.0616187  0.0748913   0.823
#> namePanama                                       -0.0198397  0.0577334  -0.344
#> namePeru                                          0.0236748  0.0506369   0.468
#> namePhilippines                                  -0.0328219  0.0640272  -0.513
#> namePoland                                        0.0018468  0.0092756   0.199
#> namePortugal                                      0.0221948  0.0345885   0.642
#> `namePuerto Rico`                                 0.0109227  0.0119582   0.913
#> nameRomania                                      -0.0155702  0.0224413  -0.694
#> `nameRussian Federation`                          0.0037179  0.0118552   0.314
#> `nameSaudi Arabia`                                0.0630058  0.1228955   0.513
#> nameSerbia                                        0.0463739  0.0469682   0.987
#> nameSingapore                                     0.0207023  0.0387084   0.535
#> nameSlovakia                                     -0.0037549  0.0343904  -0.109
#> nameSlovenia                                      0.0094645  0.0769613   0.123
#> `nameSouth Africa`                                0.0237061  0.0269691   0.879
#> nameSpain                                         0.0081707  0.0094012   0.869
#> nameSweden                                        0.0083554  0.0112518   0.743
#> nameSwitzerland                                   0.0100112  0.0242008   0.414
#> nameTaiwan                                        0.0122917  0.0120970   1.016
#> nameTanzania                                     -0.0191265  0.0706692  -0.271
#> nameThailand                                     -0.0097509  0.0265930  -0.367
#> nameTunisia                                      -0.0095544  0.1130137  -0.085
#> nameTurkey                                        0.0155456  0.0198087   0.785
#> nameUganda                                        0.0268475  0.0611598   0.439
#> nameUkraine                                      -0.0137367  0.0291602  -0.471
#> `nameUnited Arab Emirates`                        0.1169409  0.2937237   0.398
#> `nameUnited Kingdom`                              0.0205336  0.0072074   2.849
#> `nameUnited States`                               0.0210469  0.0015931  13.211
#> nameVenezuela                                    -0.6088499  0.8397060  -0.725
#> nameVietnam                                       0.0100481  0.0697670   0.144
#> nameZimbabwe                                      0.0016461  0.0653750   0.025
#>                                                  Pr(>|t|)    
#> (Intercept)                                       < 2e-16 ***
#> nameAlgeria                                       0.23043    
#> nameArgentina                                     0.46782    
#> nameAustralia                                     0.66527    
#> nameAustria                                       0.07553 .  
#> nameBangladesh                                    0.97431    
#> nameBelarus                                       0.67510    
#> nameBelgium                                       0.14846    
#> `nameBosnia and Herzegovina`                      0.79207    
#> nameBotswana                                      0.73867    
#> nameBrazil                                        0.09508 .  
#> nameBulgaria                                      0.89314    
#> nameCanada                                        0.50546    
#> nameChile                                         0.65187    
#> nameChina                                         0.13490    
#> nameColombia                                      0.52476    
#> `nameCosta Rica`                                  0.91008    
#> nameCroatia                                       0.63262    
#> nameCyprus                                        0.38062    
#> `nameCzech Republic`                              0.18619    
#> nameCzechia                                       0.77971    
#> nameDenmark                                       0.90139    
#> `nameDominican Republic`                          0.17455    
#> nameEcuador                                       0.75827    
#> nameEgypt                                         0.91355    
#> nameEstonia                                       0.51779    
#> nameFinland                                       0.26859    
#> nameFrance                                        0.21614    
#> nameGeorgia                                       0.19528    
#> nameGermany                                       0.85696    
#> nameGreece                                        0.28590    
#> nameGuatemala                                     0.96539    
#> nameHaiti                                         0.20695    
#> `nameHong Kong`                                   0.98965    
#> nameHungary                                       0.77566    
#> nameIceland                                       0.58362    
#> nameIndia                                         0.78955    
#> nameIndonesia                                     0.80820    
#> `nameIran, Islamic Republic of`                   0.24325    
#> nameIreland                                       0.87224    
#> nameIsrael                                        0.31701    
#> nameItaly                                         0.15922    
#> nameJapan                                         0.59703    
#> nameJordan                                        0.87137    
#> nameKazakhstan                                    0.89697    
#> nameKenya                                         0.55906    
#> `nameKorea, Republic of`                          0.55566    
#> nameKuwait                                        0.43890    
#> nameLatvia                                        0.75716    
#> nameLebanon                                       0.29135    
#> nameLithuania                                     0.89949    
#> nameLuxembourg                                    0.40074    
#> `nameMacedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of`  0.61551    
#> nameMalawi                                        0.48100    
#> nameMalaysia                                      0.79152    
#> nameMexico                                        0.46205    
#> `nameMoldova, Republic of`                        0.04187 *  
#> nameMorocco                                       0.59662    
#> nameNetherlands                                   0.54839    
#> `nameNew Zealand`                                 0.62190    
#> `nameNorth Macedonia`                             0.93054    
#> nameNorway                                        0.58496    
#> namePakistan                                      0.41065    
#> namePanama                                        0.73112    
#> namePeru                                          0.64012    
#> namePhilippines                                   0.60822    
#> namePoland                                        0.84219    
#> namePortugal                                      0.52109    
#> `namePuerto Rico`                                 0.36105    
#> nameRomania                                       0.48781    
#> `nameRussian Federation`                          0.75383    
#> `nameSaudi Arabia`                                0.60819    
#> nameSerbia                                        0.32349    
#> nameSingapore                                     0.59278    
#> nameSlovakia                                      0.91306    
#> nameSlovenia                                      0.90213    
#> `nameSouth Africa`                                0.37941    
#> nameSpain                                         0.38480    
#> nameSweden                                        0.45775    
#> nameSwitzerland                                   0.67912    
#> nameTaiwan                                        0.30960    
#> nameTanzania                                      0.78667    
#> nameThailand                                      0.71387    
#> nameTunisia                                       0.93263    
#> nameTurkey                                        0.43259    
#> nameUganda                                        0.66069    
#> nameUkraine                                       0.63759    
#> `nameUnited Arab Emirates`                        0.69054    
#> `nameUnited Kingdom`                              0.00439 ** 
#> `nameUnited States`                               < 2e-16 ***
#> nameVenezuela                                     0.46842    
#> nameVietnam                                       0.88548    
#> nameZimbabwe                                      0.97991    
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Residual standard error: 2.759 on 12221 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:  0.02288,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.01552 
#> F-statistic:  3.11 on 92 and 12221 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Model with no Countries Variables

In this part, we fit a model with no countries variable. From the summary table, we can see that the result is consistent with our full model. The result indicates that the clinical trials with more facilities involved and with shorter actual duration tend to generate significant outcomes.

model <- lm(p_value ~ ., data = d |> select(p_value, number_of_facilities, actual_duration))
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = p_value ~ ., data = select(d, p_value, number_of_facilities, 
#>     actual_duration))
#> Residuals:
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -7.9312 -1.5454  0.1339  1.9284 12.4981 
#> Coefficients:
#>                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> (Intercept)          -2.758609   0.042723 -64.569  < 2e-16 ***
#> number_of_facilities -0.018848   0.002361  -7.981 1.57e-15 ***
#> actual_duration       0.013362   0.001005  13.299  < 2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Residual standard error: 2.753 on 12311 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:  0.01954,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.01938 
#> F-statistic: 122.7 on 2 and 12311 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Time Series Analysis

In this section, we delve into the time series analysis of our dataset. Our focus is to understand the trends and patterns over time in the clinical trial data.


The first step involves loading the dataset studies_all. This dataset contains comprehensive information about various clinical trials, especially the time information, which is crucial for our analysis.

studies_all_selected <- select(studies_all, nct_id, last_update_submitted_qc_date)

# Perform the inner join with d
d_longitudinal <- inner_join(d, studies_all_selected, by = "nct_id")

Here, we select the necessary columns from studies_all, specifically nct_id and last_update_submitted_qc_date. Note that last_update_submitted_qc_date contains the date when the last update or modification to a clinical trial’s data or documentation was submitted for quality control (QC) review or assessment. It signifies a crucial timestamp in the clinical trial management process, indicating when the trial’s records were last revised and prepared for quality assurance checks. We then perform an inner join with another dataset ‘d’. We aim to merge relevant data from both datasets based on the nct_id, which is the unique identifier for each clinical trial. Now we will get time information for each study.

any_na_in_data <- any(
#> [1] FALSE

We then check for missing values in our merged dataset, d_longitudinal. The above code checks for any NA (Not Available) values in the dataset.

#> # A tibble: 12,314 × 97
#>    nct_id      p_value number_…¹ actua…² nameA…³ nameA…⁴ nameA…⁵ nameA…⁶ nameB…⁷
#>    <chr>         <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 NCT00000378 -2.94           1      59       0       0       0       0       0
#>  2 NCT00000392 -1.52           3      80       0       0       0       0       0
#>  3 NCT00000620 -2.24           7     118       0       0       0       0       0
#>  4 NCT00001656 -0.275          1     133       0       0       0       0       0
#>  5 NCT00001723 -4.94           1     163       0       0       0       0       0
#>  6 NCT00001959 -3.12           1     107       0       0       0       0       0
#>  7 NCT00002525  0.0905         1     260       0       0       0       0       0
#>  8 NCT00002651 -3.50          14     220       0       0       0       0       0
#>  9 NCT00003222 -3.70           1      65       0       0       0       0       0
#> 10 NCT00003869 -1.13           1     110       0       0       0       0       0
#> # … with 12,304 more rows, 88 more variables: nameBelarus <dbl>,
#> #   nameBelgium <dbl>, `nameBosnia and Herzegovina` <dbl>, nameBotswana <dbl>,
#> #   nameBrazil <dbl>, nameBulgaria <dbl>, nameCanada <dbl>, nameChile <dbl>,
#> #   nameChina <dbl>, nameColombia <dbl>, `nameCosta Rica` <dbl>,
#> #   nameCroatia <dbl>, nameCyprus <dbl>, `nameCzech Republic` <dbl>,
#> #   nameCzechia <dbl>, nameDenmark <dbl>, `nameDominican Republic` <dbl>,
#> #   nameEcuador <dbl>, nameEgypt <dbl>, nameEstonia <dbl>, nameFinland <dbl>, …

The final step in our data preparation involves recovering the p_value column to the original value without any transformation. We apply a mathematical transformation to the p-values, converting them into their original scale. This step is crucial for making our subsequent statistical analysis more interpretable and meaningful.

d_longitudinal <- d_longitudinal |> mutate(original_p_value = exp(p_value) / (1 + exp(p_value)))

In our analysis, we first converted ‘last_update_submitted_qc_date’ into a datetime format, essential for accurate time-series examination. Following this, we plotted the original_p_value against time to visually identify any significant trends. Our approach involved using a linear regression model, with time as our independent variable and original_p_value as the dependent one.

# Convert dates to numerical values
d_longitudinal$last_update_submitted_qc_date <- as.Date(d_longitudinal$last_update_submitted_qc_date)
d_longitudinal$days_since_first <- as.numeric(d_longitudinal$last_update_submitted_qc_date - min(d_longitudinal$last_update_submitted_qc_date))

# Fit linear model
model <- lm(original_p_value ~ days_since_first, data = d_longitudinal)

# Summary of the model
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = original_p_value ~ days_since_first, data = d_longitudinal)
#> Residuals:
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -0.2475 -0.1942 -0.1274  0.1478  0.8274 
#> Coefficients:
#>                   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> (Intercept)      1.643e-01  7.151e-03  22.972  < 2e-16 ***
#> days_since_first 1.528e-05  1.893e-06   8.072 7.55e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Residual standard error: 0.2579 on 12312 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:  0.005264,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.005184 
#> F-statistic: 65.16 on 1 and 12312 DF,  p-value: 7.554e-16

# To plot the original_p_value over time
ggplot(d_longitudinal, aes(x = last_update_submitted_qc_date, y = original_p_value)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = "Original P-Value"), size = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x, color = "red", se = FALSE) +
  labs(x = "Date", y = "Original P-Value",
       title = "Original P-Value Over Time") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("Original P-Value" = "blue")) +

This model revealed a small yet statistically significant trend: a gradual increase in the original_p_value over time. It’s important to note that the increase is modest, largely due to the inherently small size of the p-value. The exceptionally low p-value for the slope, significantly under \(0.05\), validates the trend’s statistical significance. However, the low coefficient of determination suggests that time only explains a minor part of the variance in the original_p_value. In summary, our analysis indicates a discernible, though minor, upward trend in the original_p_value over time. This trend, while statistically valid, contributes to only a small portion of the observed changes in our dataset.

This gradual increase in the original_p_value over time suggests that the studies we from 2010 to 2022 are showing a trend towards less statistically significant results as time progresses. This could imply a range of possibilities, such as changes in research methodology, variations in study quality, or shifts in the underlying phenomena being studied. It’s a crucial insight for researchers and policy makers, as it highlights the need for a closer examination of why these changes are occurring. Understanding this trend could lead to more robust research practices and better-informed decision-making in the future.

Then we plot the decomposed components of our time series data, several insights emerge, further enhancing our understanding of the original_p_value trends over time.

d_longitudinal$last_update_submitted_qc_date <- ymd(d_longitudinal$last_update_submitted_qc_date)
d_longitudinal <- d_longitudinal %>% arrange(last_update_submitted_qc_date)

# Group data by month and calculate the mean of `original_p_value`
monthly_data <- d_longitudinal %>%
  group_by(month = floor_date(last_update_submitted_qc_date, "month")) %>%
  summarize(original_p_value = mean(original_p_value, na.rm = TRUE))

# Convert to xts for decomposition
ts_data <- ts(monthly_data$original_p_value, frequency = 12)

# Decompose the time series (additive model)
decomposed_data <- decompose(ts_data, type = "additive")

# Plot the decomposed components

Trend Component Analysis: The trend component of the graph, which represents the long-term movement in the original_p_value, shows a small positive slope. This aligns with our earlier findings of a gradual increase in the p-value over time. The consistent yet modest upward trend in the p-values suggests a decrease in the statistical significance of the studies over the examined period. This could be indicative of evolving research dynamics, such as changes in research methodologies or variations in the domains being studied.

Seasonal Component Insights: The seasonal component of the data reveals calendar-related fluctuations in the p-values. The volatility observed here is particularly intriguing. It suggests that there are specific times of the year when the studies tend to yield results with varying levels of significance. This could be due to a variety of factors, including cyclical research funding, academic calendars, or even seasonal variations in the phenomena being studied.

Random Component (Noise) Considerations: The random component, which shows the residual fluctuations after accounting for trend and seasonal effects, appears erratic. This erratic nature indicates that there are additional factors influencing the p-values that our model has not accounted for. These could range from unforeseen external events impacting research outcomes to inherent randomness in the data collection processes.

Interpretation and Conclusions

In this project, we aim to answer the question whether there are significant relations between the significance of the outcomes of clinical trials and factors such as countries that the trials are conducted and the number of facility involved. We conduct rich exploratory data analysis on our AACT dataset. The distribution of p value of the clinical trials is skewed toward 0, indicating that most clinical trials complete with a significant outcomes.In addition, our analysis on number_of_facilities indicates that the clinical trials have about 7 to 8 facilities involved on average. This also show the trend of collaboration in clinical trials. Furthermore, we fit three linear regression models and find that only United Kingdom and United States two countries have significant impact on the p values of clinical trials outcome and the clinical trials with the two countries involved tend to have less significant p values. Since the two countries get involve with a large portion of clinical trials, we interpret this result that it implies the fact that scientific discovery is a difficult process and tend to complete with a non-significant outcome. In addition, our model on number_of_facilities indicates that more collaboration can accelerate the process of scientific discovery. Thus there is not much significant relations between the significance of the outcomes of clinical trials and countries that the trials are conducted. But there is relations between the significance of the outcomes and the number of facility involved.

In addition to our primary findings, our time series analysis using a linear regression model unveiled a noteworthy trend: a gradual increase in original_p_value over time. This trend, while statistically significant with a p-value for the slope below 0.05, displayed a relatively modest effect size, as indicated by the low coefficient of determination. This observed trend implies several potential contributing factors, including shifts in research methodologies, variations in study quality, or changes in the phenomena under examination. These findings emphasize the importance of conducting further investigations to delve into the underlying causes, providing valuable insights for both researchers and policymakers. Furthermore, when we dissected the time series data, we gained additional insights. The trend component consistently exhibited a slight positive slope, reinforcing the notion of diminishing statistical significance over time. The seasonal component highlighted fluctuations in p-values linked to specific times of the year, potentially influenced by factors like research funding cycles, academic calendars, or seasonal variations in the phenomena being studied. Lastly, the random component pointed to erratic fluctuations, suggesting the presence of unaccounted factors impacting p-values, ranging from unforeseen external events to inherent variability in data collection practices.